TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent
$208.00 - $940.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: TEZR-0.5 (for 0.5ml)
Cat. No.: TEZR-1.5 (for 1.5ml)
Cat. No.: TEZR-7.5 (for 7.5ml)
TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent is the latest development utilizing nanomaterials to create a highly efficient and convenient transfection reagent for small RNAs, including siRNAs and miRNAs. It achieves even better transfection results compared to international leading small RNA transfection reagents. It is suitable for transfecting siRNAs, miRNAs, or other forms of single-stranded or double-stranded RNAs or DNA oligonucleotides into eukaryotic cells. It can also be used for siRNA, miRNA, and other small nucleic acid transfections in live animals and gene therapy.
The nanotechnology in TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent ensures reliable and stable transfection results for both immediate and long-term applications.
TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent is incredibly user-friendly. It requires no serum-containing medium, and the small RNAs and transfection reagent can be mixed directly. After a 20-minute incubation at room temperature, the mixture can be added directly to the cell culture vessel, simplifying the transfection process.
For common mammalian cells, TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent offers high transfection efficiency, good reproducibility, simple operation, and minimal cell toxicity. It works well with adherent and suspension cells, making it particularly suitable for challenging adherent cell transfections. Generally, TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent shows little cell toxicity, meaning that in most cases, there's no need to change the cell culture medium after transfection. Often, cells can be collected around 48 hours after transfection for targeted protein expression analysis. However, for proteins with longer half-lives, a significant decrease in protein levels might be detected around 72-96 hours after siRNA or miRNA transfection.
TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent has been tested on various cell types, such as mouse embryonic fibroblasts NIH3T3, human embryonic kidney cells HEK293, cervical cancer cells Hela, and Chinese hamster ovary cells CHO. Transfection efficiency can reach around 80-90%.
When transfecting cells with TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent, the presence of serum and antibiotics in the culture medium has no influence, allowing transfection in the presence of serum and antibiotics.
The transfection efficiency of TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent can be quickly assessed using fluorescently labeled small RNAs under a fluorescence microscope or in conjunction with Western blot results.
Approximately, each milliliter of this transfection reagent can transfect 40 dishes of 10 cm culture, 125 dishes of 6 cm culture, 250 wells of a 6-well plate, 625 wells of a 12-well plate, 1250 wells of a 24-well plate, 2500 wells of a 48-well plate, and 6250 wells of a 96-well plate.
Store at 4°C. For long-term storage, it can be stored at -20°C.
- Increasing the dosage of TransEZRNAi™ transfection reagent may lead to a decrease in transfection efficiency. It is recommended to prioritize using the recommended dosage of the transfection reagent. Adjust the dosage if necessary.
- Using high-purity small RNAs and other small nucleic acids can help achieve higher transfection efficiency.
- Cells must be in good growth condition before transfection.
- Test results have shown that changing the cell culture medium 4-6 hours after transfection with this product does not significantly affect transfection efficiency. If necessary, you can change the cell culture medium 4-6 hours after transfection.
- You need to have serum-free culture medium, Opti-MEM® medium, or regular DMEM medium that does not contain antibiotics.
- TransEZRNAi™ transfection reagent should not be vortexed or centrifuged. Gently rocking to mix is recommended.
- After using TransEZRNAi™ transfection reagent, please immediately close the cap to avoid prolonged exposure to air, which could affect transfection efficiency.
- This product is intended for scientific research by professionals only. It should not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, and should not be used in food or drugs. It should not be stored in regular households.
- For your safety and health, please wear appropriate laboratory attire and disposable gloves when handling this product.
Transfection Reagent Portfolio
TransEZ™ (Cost-effective Version)
- TransEZPEI™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZ293F™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZ293™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZ6000™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZ8000™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZRNAi™ Transfection Reagent
- TransEZInsect™ Transfection Reagent
TransPM™ (Premium Version)
- TransPM™ mRNA Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ Suspension Cells DNA Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ siRNA Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ In-Vivo Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ DNA/RNA Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ DNA Transfection Reagent
- TransPM™ In-Vivo mRNA Transfection Reagent
SBS Genetech is recognized as one of the global major leading industry players in Transfection Reagent by third-party market researchers. For more details, please visit Global Transfection Reagent and Equipment Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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