Super-Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8
$188.00 - $1,928.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: SECCK-5 (for 5ml)
Cat. No.: SECCK-25 (for 25ml)
Cat. No.: SECCK-100 (for 100ml)
Super-Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 is a rapid and highly sensitive assay kit based on WST-8 for measuring cell viability, proliferation, and cytotoxicity. This assay kit can complete the testing in just 0.5 to 1 hour. Compared to regular or enhanced CCK-8 assay kits, it offers faster testing, higher sensitivity, and a broader linear range. This kit is suitable for measuring absorbance at around 450nm.
WST-8 is a compound similar to MTT that, in the presence of an electron-coupling reagent, can be reduced by certain dehydrogenases within the mitochondria to produce orange-yellow formazan. The color of the formazan becomes darker as cell proliferation increases and lighter with greater cytotoxicity. For the same type of cells, the color intensity is linearly related to the number of cells. This assay kit has been extensively optimized to efficiently, linearly, and accurately measure cell viability by detecting the absorbance of formazan.
WST-8 is an upgraded alternative to MTT and offers distinct advantages when compared to MTT or other MTT-related products such as XTT and MTS. Firstly, the formazan generated by MTT through the reduction by certain dehydrogenases within the mitochondria is not water-soluble and requires a specific dissolution solution; whereas the formazan produced by WST-8, XTT, and MTS is water-soluble, eliminating the need for additional dissolution steps. Secondly, the formazan generated by WST-8 is more readily soluble than that generated by XTT and MTS. Thirdly, WST-8 exhibits greater stability compared to XTT and MTS, resulting in more stable experimental results. Additionally, WST-8 has a wider linear range and higher sensitivity when compared to MTT, XTT, and similar compounds.
In comparison to WST-1, WST-8 offers higher detection sensitivity, greater solubility, and enhanced stability.
This assay kit can be used for cell proliferation assays induced by cytokines and for cytotoxicity assays induced by anticancer drugs or other cytotoxic agents. It can also be employed for the detection of drug-induced cell growth inhibition.
- This assay kit has been optimized to significantly reduce the incubation time, typically requiring only 0.5 hours to complete the test. After adding the assay reagents, an incubation period of just 0.5 hours results in a signal intensity of approximately 3.5 for 50,000 HeLa cells, which is about three times higher than the signal intensity achieved with the enhanced CCK-8 assay kit.
- This assay kit offers a convenient and straightforward detection process. The kit provides a ready-to-use super-enhanced CCK-8 solution in a single tube, eliminating the need for any additional preparation steps. There is no requirement for the use of isotopes, and all the testing steps can be completed within the same 96-well plate. Cell washing, cell collection, or additional steps for formazan dissolution are not necessary. It is suitable for high-throughput sample testing.
- Phenol red and serum do not significantly impact the results of this assay kit.
- This product does not exhibit any noticeable toxicity to cells. After adding the super-enhanced CCK-8 solution, the color development can be monitored with a plate reader at different time points, allowing for flexible testing to determine the optimal detection time.
Additional Notes
- Repetitive freeze-thaw cycles can reduce the effectiveness of this kit. Although testing has shown that this kit remains largely unaffected by up to 3 freeze-thaw cycles, for optimal performance, it is recommended to aliquot and store the kit after the first thawing. During the freeze-thaw process, some precipitation may occur. In such cases, balance the kit to room temperature and attempt to dissolve any precipitates. If you anticipate using the kit within 2 weeks, you can store it at 4°C after thawing.
- Temperature fluctuations can affect signal intensity and stability. Before performing the assay, both the cells and the Super-Enhanced CCK-8 solution should be equilibrated to room temperature. You can achieve this by thawing and gently mixing the Super-Enhanced CCK-8 solution at a temperature not exceeding 25°C or using a water bath at 20-25°C.
- As the assay is conducted using a 96-well plate, it's crucial to address the issue of evaporation, especially if cell culture times are relatively long. To mitigate this, consider either discarding the outermost wells of the 96-well plate and supplementing with an equal volume of PBS, water, or culture medium, or position the 96-well plate near a water source within the incubator to reduce evaporation.
- The assay relies on a dehydrogenase-catalyzed reaction, so the presence of reducing agents (such as certain antioxidants) in the test system can interfere with the assay. If there are substantial reducing agents in your test system, you should find a way to remove them.
- Before performing measurements with a microplate reader, ensure that there are no bubbles in each well, as bubbles can interfere with the readings.
- This product is intended for use by qualified scientific professionals for research purposes only. It should not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, in food or drug products, or stored in a regular household.
- For your safety and health, please wear lab attire and disposable gloves when handling this kit.
Store at -20°C in a light-protected environment. The kit is effective for one year under these conditions. Alternatively, store at 4°C in a light-protected environment, and it will remain effective for at least two weeks.
- Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8)
- Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8
- Super-Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8
- Cell Counting Kit-3D
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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