RapidCleave™ XhoI, GMP Grade (20KU)
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Cat. No.: XhoIG-20k (for 20KU)
Recognition Site
5'...C ↓ T C G A G...3'
3'...G A G C T ↑ C...5'
Homolytic enzymes: PaeR7I, Sfr274I, SlaI
Note: Homolytic enzymes may have different sensitivities to different methylation modifications.
We are proud to introduce RapidCleave™ Fast Restriction Enzymes, a meticulously engineered series of rapid restriction endonucleases. Whether you're working with plasmid DNA, PCR products, or genomic DNA, RapidCleave™ delivers astonishing enzyme cleavage speed and outstanding performance. Whether you're a seasoned lab professional or a newcomer, RapidCleave™ Fast Restriction Enzymes will make it easier for you to achieve your research goals, accelerate scientific progress, and inject new vitality into your laboratory work. Experience RapidCleave™ for unprecedented DNA cleavage speed and convenience.
XhoI, GMP Grade, obtained through recombinant expression in Escherichia coli, enables precise digestion of target DNA within 15 minutes to 1 hour. This product is manufactured and quality-controlled according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, ensuring full traceability of the production process and raw materials. Antibiotics and any animal-derived materials or additives are not used throughout the entire production process. Strict control is implemented over process-related impurities such as host proteins, exogenous DNA, nonspecific endonucleases, DNases, RNases, as well as microbial limits and bacterial endotoxins. This product meets the requirements for raw materials in vaccine and drug production fields.
Excellent cleavage efficiency, easily handles complex templates
Produced under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, animal-free, meets the requirements for vaccine production
Pharmacopeial standard quality control, no impurity residues
Inactivation Conditions
Incubate at 80°C for 20 minutes.
Methylation Sensitivity
Cutting may be hindered for DNA methylated by CpG.