RapidCleave™ Nt.BspQI (2KU)
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Cat. No.: NTBQ-2k (for 2KU)
Recognition Site
5'...G C T C T T C N↓...3'
3'...C G A G A A G N ...5'
We are proud to introduce RapidCleave™ Fast Restriction Enzymes, a meticulously engineered series of rapid restriction endonucleases. Whether you're working with plasmid DNA, PCR products, or genomic DNA, RapidCleave™ delivers astonishing enzyme cleavage speed and outstanding performance. Whether you're a seasoned lab professional or a newcomer, RapidCleave™ Fast Restriction Enzymes will make it easier for you to achieve your research goals, accelerate scientific progress, and inject new vitality into your laboratory work. Experience RapidCleave™ for unprecedented DNA cleavage speed and convenience.
Nt.BspQI is a type of nicking endonuclease that cleaves only one strand of the dsDNA substrate; it generates a nick on the dsDNA substrate without cleaving the dsDNA.
Activity Definition
One unit (U) of activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to completely convert 1 µg of supercoiled pUC19 DNA into its open circular form in a 50 μl reaction system at 50°C for 1 hour.
Quality Control
- Extended Incubation Test: Incubate 10 U of Nt.BspQI with supercoiled pUC19 DNA substrate at 50°C for 16 hours. Verify that the open circular DNA remains unchanged through agarose gel electrophoresis.
- RNase Residual Detection: Incubate 10 U of Nt.BspQI with 500 ng of RNA at 37°C for 1 hour. Use agarose gel electrophoresis to confirm that over 90% of the RNA remains intact.
Inactivation Conditions
Incubate at 80°C for 20 minutes.