Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos (High Purity)
$199.00 - $589.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: MTRCH-50 (for 50μg)
Cat. No.: MTRCH-250 (for 250μg)
Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos (High Purity) is a cell-permeable X-rosamine derivative known as Chloromethyl-X-rosamine (CMXRos), which specifically labels bioactive mitochondria within cells, enabling the detection of mitochondrial membrane potential. This product is a high-purity, high-quality probe compatible with subsequent cell fixation and permeabilization. However, after staining, if fixation and permeabilization are performed, there may be a certain degree of fluorescence intensity reduction.
This product is an oxidized red fluorescent dye that, through passive transport across the cell membrane, specifically labels bioactive mitochondria using the mildly thiol-reactive chloromethyl functional group present in the probe. The mildly thiol-reactive chloromethyl can react with thiol groups on mitochondrial proteins to form covalent bonds. Therefore, when using aldehyde-based fixatives such as paraformaldehyde or formaldehyde, as well as cell-permeable detergents like Triton X-100 in subsequent experiments, the fluorescence labeling of mitochondria will remain intact but may experience a certain degree of reduction (approximately 2-10 fold reduction). Due to the minimal spectral overlap between the excitation and emission spectra of this fluorescent probe and common green fluorescent probes, it is particularly suitable for dual-label fluorescence experiments.
Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos has a molecular formula of C32H32Cl2N2O, a molecular weight of 531.5, and a CAS number of 167095-09-2. It exhibits red fluorescence, with a maximum excitation wavelength of 579nm and a maximum emission wavelength of 599nm.
Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos can be utilized as a mitochondria-specific fluorescent probe. Similar to Rhodamine 123 or JC-1, the staining of mitochondria with Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos relies on the mitochondrial membrane potential. Therefore, this probe can only be used to stain live cells or tissues and cannot be used to stain fixed or permeabilized cells or tissues.
Since the accumulation of Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos in mitochondria depends on the mitochondrial membrane potential, this product can also serve as an indicator probe for mitochondrial membrane potential. It can be used to detect changes in mitochondrial membrane potential for apoptosis detection.
Calculating based on a final working concentration of 50-200nM, each 50µg of this product can be used to prepare approximately 500-2000ml of Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos working solution.
Store at -20°C in the dark, valid for at least one year.
- Mito-Tracer Red CMXRos (High Purity) is suitable for fluorescent staining of live cell mitochondria and is not recommended for staining fixed cells or tissues. However, after labeling mitochondria with this product, fixation and permeabilization can be performed subsequently, followed by staining with other probes or immunofluorescence staining. It's important to note that fluorescence intensity may decrease after fixation and permeabilization. Additionally, the effects of fixation and permeabilization may vary between different cell types, so it's recommended to conduct testing with different fixation and permeabilization reagents and conditions.
- This product contains a very small amount of powder. Before use, please centrifuge for a few seconds to ensure that the small amount of powder settles at the bottom of the tube.
- Fluorescent dyes are subject to photobleaching. It's advisable to minimize exposure to light to slow down photobleaching.
- This product can be used for fluorescent staining in common multi-well plates or culture dishes, as well as on coverslips or slides.
- This product is intended for use by professionals for scientific research purposes only. It must not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, and it must not be used for food or pharmaceuticals. It should not be stored in a regular household environment.
- For your safety and well-being, please wear appropriate laboratory attire and disposable gloves when handling this product.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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