HotStart UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
$170.00 - $1,335.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: HSUX-100 (for 100U)
Cat. No.: HSUX-1k (for 100U)
UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase combines the performance of Q5 and Q5U, making it a versatile all-in-one enzyme. Derived from high-fidelity DNA polymerase, it incorporates enhanced extension structures, endowing it with ultra-fidelity (comparable to Q5), long-fragment amplification capability, high yield, dUTP incorporation capability, and amplification of templates containing uracil. This enzyme facilitates easy amplification of 8kb genomic DNA and 20kb λDNA. It exhibits an extension speed of over 4kb/min. The enzyme demonstrates 5’-3’ polymerase activity, strong 3’-5’ exonuclease activity, with blunt-ended products. UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase deletes the uracil-binding domain, enabling it to read and amplify templates containing uracil, a feature denoted by the unique "U" characteristic.
HotStart UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase is a version with a hot-start function, featuring a unique adapter that blocks the enzyme's active site. After the reaction, upon returning to room temperature, the reversible adapter reseals the polymerase. Its hot-start function ensures no activity below 25°C (enzyme leakage <10%), rapidly restoring 100% activity above 50°C. The hot-start function facilitates setting up reactions at room temperature, effectively reducing nonspecific amplification at low temperatures, enhancing multiple ultra-fidelity amplifications, and achieving optimal ultra-fidelity amplification.
- Ultra-fidelity Amplification: Comparable fidelity to Q5 DNA polymerase, making it the optimal enzyme for vector construction, site-directed mutagenesis, NGS template amplification, and gene synthesis.
- Recognition of dUTP Substrate: Capable of reading and amplifying templates containing uracil, characterized by the "U" feature.
- Contamination-resistant Amplification: Can use dUTP to completely replace dTTP in PCR amplification, establishing contamination-resistant high-fidelity amplification.
- Fast Amplification: Exhibits amplification capability of 4kb/min.
- Long-fragment Amplification: Suitable for simple templates such as plasmids, λDNA (>20 kb), and complex genome templates (>8 kb).
Store at -20°C, effective for three years.
- UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
- HotStart UltraX High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase
- UltraX High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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