FastBeat Soil DNA Kit (50)
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Cat. No.: FBSDK-50 (for 50T)
FastBeat Soil DNA Kit quickly and efficiently isolates PCR-ready genomic DNA directly from soil samples in less than 40 minutes. Designed for use with bead-beating devices such as the FastPrep® Instruments from MP Biomedicals, soil organisms are easily lysed within 40 seconds. Samples are placed into 2.0 ml tubes containing a mixture of ceramic and silica beads, which efficiently lyse all soil organisms, including historically difficult sources such as eubacterial spores and endospores, gram-positive bacteria, yeast, algae, nematodes, and fungi.
The kit uses a novel and proprietary method to remove high humic acid content, including difficult soil types such as compost, sediment, and manure. The isolated DNA has a high level of purity, allowing for more successful PCR amplification of organisms from the sample. PCR analysis has been performed to detect a variety of organisms, including bacteria (e.g., Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus anthracis), fungi (e.g., yeasts, molds), algae, and Actinomycetes (e.g., Streptomyces).
Instruction: Protocol
Related: Ultra-pure Soil Genomic DNA Rapid Extraction Kit (50)