Blue Dye for PAGE Stacking Gel (500X)
$59.00 - $199.00
All products have special prices for bulk purchase, please contact for more details if required.
Cat. No.: BDPS-1 (for 1ml)
Cat. No.: BDPS-5 (for 5ml)
Blue Dye for PAGE Stacking Gel (500X) is a dye used to prepare the upper stacking gel in blue polyacrylamide gels. This blue dye facilitates clear visualization of protein sample wells, making it easy to load samples and allowing for easy detection of distorted or damaged sample wells.
During electrophoresis, the blue dye compresses and migrates downward until it reaches the bottom or runs off the gel. After electrophoresis, the blue dye leaves no residue in the upper gel, ensuring no impact on subsequent processes such as electrophoresis, staining, or membrane transfer.
The upper gel is also referred to as concentrated gel, stacking gel, or stacking layer.
For a 1.0mm thick gel, approximately 2ml of the upper gel is required per gel. At this ratio, the blue dye can be used to prepare approximately 250 gels per 1ml.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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