BCA Protein Assay Kit (High Sensitivity)
$178.00 - $1,749.00
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Cat. No.: BCAHS-200 (for 200T)
Cat. No.: BCAHS-1k (for 1000T)
Cat. No.: BCAHS-5k (for 5000T)
BCA Protein Assay Kit (High Sensitivity), also known as BCA Protein Assay Kit with High Sensitivity or BCA Plus Protein Assay Kit, is a high-sensitivity protein concentration detection kit that requires only 15 minutes of incubation at room temperature to detect protein concentrations as low as 2 µg/ml. When ultra-high sensitivity detection is not required, the kit can complete protein concentration detection with just 5 minutes of incubation at room temperature.
This kit is developed based on the BCA method, one of the most commonly used protein concentration detection methods, and provides improved BCA reagents and high-quality protein standards. It allows for simple, convenient, highly stable, highly sensitive, highly compatible, and wide linear range protein concentration determination with approximately 15 minutes of incubation at room temperature.
The principles and methods of this kit are essentially the same as those of Thermo’s Pierce™ Dilution-Free™ Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit (A55860/A55861/A55862).
- BCA Plus Reagent A
- BCA Plus Reagent B
- BCA Plus Reagent C
- Protein Standard (BSA)
- BSA Preparation Solution
- This kit has an ultra-wide concentration detection range of 4-2000 µg/ml. The upper detection limit of this kit is similar to that of the Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit, but the lower detection limit can be below 10 µg/ml, greatly expanding the detection capability in the low concentration range.
- The kit has extremely high sensitivity and requires a small sample volume. The sample volume for detection is 1-20 µl, which can save sample usage. Under the recommended condition of 15 minutes of incubation at room temperature, the detection limit reaches 2 µg/ml, with a minimum detectable protein amount as low as 0.04 µg; extending the incubation time at room temperature can further lower the detection limit.
- The kit offers fast detection and simple incubation conditions. Under standard detection conditions, absorbance measurement can be performed with just 15 minutes of incubation at room temperature.
- The kit shows good linearity within the concentration range of 4-2000 µg/ml.
If the concentration of the sample to be tested is high, it is recommended to use the BCA Rapid Protein Assay Kit. This kit has an ultra-wide concentration detection range of 0.04-10 mg/ml, making it better suited for high-concentration protein samples. In many common cases, dilution is not required, and absorbance detection can be performed after 5 minutes of incubation at room temperature.
Store at 4ºC, valid for one year. BCA Plus Reagent B should be protected from light; Protein Standard (BSA) should be stored at -20ºC after being prepared into a solution.
- It is generally recommended to perform protein concentration detection with 15 minutes of incubation at room temperature. When the protein concentration is too low, it is recommended to extend the incubation time, such as incubating for 30 minutes or longer. If the protein concentration is not very low, 5 minutes of incubation at room temperature is recommended. Incubation at 37ºC is not recommended as the increased temperature can affect background absorbance, thereby reducing detection sensitivity.
- If precipitates form in BCA Plus Reagent A, B, or C after long-term storage, they can be dissolved by heating in a 37ºC water bath or by stirring. If turbidity persists, thoroughly mix and use the solution once it becomes clear.
- A microplate reader is required, with a detection wavelength of 480 nm. A 96-well plate is needed. If a microplate reader is not available, a standard spectrophotometer can be used. In this case, adjust the working solution volume to meet the minimum detection volume of the cuvette, and the sample and standard volumes can be proportionally increased or remain unchanged. When using a spectrophotometer, the number of samples that can be tested per kit may be significantly reduced.
- If the sample contains EDTA concentrations higher than 5 mM but less than 10 mM, or contains reducing agents such as DTT at concentrations below 1 mM or β-Mercaptoethanol at concentrations below 0.01%, it is recommended to use the Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit.
- If the sample diluent or lysis buffer has a high background, or if the sample contains EDTA concentrations higher than 10 mM, or high concentrations of reducing agents such as DTT or β-Mercaptoethanol, it is recommended to use the Bradford Protein Assay Kit or the Detergent Compatible Bradford Protein Assay Kit.
- All reagents should be equilibrated to room temperature before use, and stored according to the kit’s requirements immediately after use.
- This product is for scientific research use only by professionals and should not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment, food or drug purposes, or stored in ordinary residences.
- For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.
- BCA Protein Quantification Assay Kit
- Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit
- BCA Protein Assay Kit (High Sensitivity)
- BCA Rapid Protein Assay Kit
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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