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Single-Component TMB ELISA Substrate
Single-Component TMB ELISA Substrate has the characteristics of low background, stability, small inter-batch difference, and optional different sensitivities, providing a superior signal reaction system, suitable for the development and production application of ELISA kits.
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Single-Component TMB ELISA Substrate has the characteristics of low background, stability, small inter-batch difference, and optional different sensitivities, providing a superior signal reaction system, suitable for the development and production application of ELISA kits.
- Single-Component TMB Super-Sensitive Version: This substrate is a highly sensitive TMB substrate, which is the most sensitive among the TMB ELISA substrates. It has the characteristics of low background and stability and is suitable for detection experiments with a color development time of 2-10 minutes. It is recommended for qualitative detection.
- Single-Component TMB Highly-Sensitive Version: This substrate has the characteristics of high sensitivity, low background, and stability, and is suitable for detection experiments with a color development time of 2-15 minutes.
- Single-Component TMB Standard Version: This substrate has standard colorimetric activity and is suitable for detection experiments with a colorimetric time of 5-20 minutes.
- Single-Component TMB Board Range Version: This substrate has a wide detection dynamic range, as well as low background and stable characteristics, making it suitable for detection experiments with room temperature color development time of 10-30 minutes or 37°C color development.
- Single-Component TMB Slow Version: This substrate is a slow substrate with an extremely wide dynamic range in the series of products. It has the characteristics of low background and stability and is suitable for color development under 37°C conditions or detection experiments with a color development time of 15-30 minutes at room temperature.
- Single-Component TMB Slow Plus Version: This substrate is an ultra-slow substrate that has the widest dynamic range among single-component TMB ELISA substrates. It has the characteristics of low background and stability and is suitable for detection experiments under 37°C conditions or at room temperature with a color development time of 15-30 minutes.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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