Single-Base Editing
BE4 single-base editor is the most advanced gene-editing tool, which can realize the precise replacement of a single base. There is no double-stranded break in the editing process, and the only single-stranded incision is required to realize the precise editing of a single base, which can effectively avoid genome damage in the editing process.
By fusing APOBEC1 (a cytosine deaminase) and Uracil Glycosylase Inhibitor (UGI) on Cas9n(D10A) protein of traditional CRISPR/Cas9 system, BE4 single-base editor can achieve safe, efficient, high specificity, and high fidelity base editing of C to T.
- The editing process does not rely on double-stranded break and donor templates, which can effectively reduce the genome damage in the editing process.
- A very low indel rate can significantly reduce the probability of gene inactivation.
- The highly narrow gene editing window guarantees at most two bases been edited.
- A very low off-target rate can achieve high fidelity gene editing results.
- The editing efficiency of C to T is > 50%.
- The C to T product ratio is >80%
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