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Funcbeads™ PCR Gel Purification Kit
Funcbeads™ PCR Gel Purification Kit utilizes the characteristics of DNA binding and detaching from magnetic beads under specific conditions, which can effectively recover DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels. The kit can also effectively remove impurities such as agarose, primer dimer, dNTP, other organic compounds, inorganic salt ions, and proteins.
More Details
- The recovery rate of the Funcbeads™ PCR Gel Purification Kit is higher than 90% and has even better performance for large fragments.
- The recovery range is wide: ranging from 100 bp to 30 kb.
- The recovered product has high purity, which fully meets the requirements of downstream experimental applications.
- High-throughput automatic operation can be realized with Funcbeads™ PCR Gel Purification Kit.
Funcbeads™ PCR Gel Purification Kit is suitable for the recovery of DNA in agarose gels. It can recover 100 bp-30 kb DNA fragments in agarose gel easily and efficiently, especially for large fragments. The DNA purified by this kit can be directly used in various downstream molecular biology experiments such as sequencing, PCR, enzymatic digestion, DNA recombination, ligation, etc.
Only for research and not intended for treatment of humans or animals
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