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Edible Microbial Synthetic Protein Startup Changing Completed Pre-A Round of Financing

January 10, 2022

 Changing, the leader of edible microbial synthetic protein, announced that it had completed the pre-A round of financing of 55 million yuan.


With completely independent intellectual property rights, Changing has mastered the initiative of innovation and industrialization in this field. The biomass fermentation technology route has completed the development of characteristic strains, a series of fermentation engineering technologies, and the design of product application scenarios. The product has the characteristics of low carbon emission, high protein, high dietary fiber, 0 carbohydrates, low calorie, low fat, and can improve intestinal flora. The precise fermentation technology route completed the transformation of the new CJ chassis cells and realized the expression of milk protein and goat milk protein. Compared with the chassis cells such as Escherichia coli and Trichoderma, which are widely used in the field of biosynthesis, this new chassis cell significantly improves the safety and has the characteristics of high purity of expressed protein, less difficulty in separation and purification, and the low expected cost.


At present, the company has completed the construction of key underlying technologies, and the development cycle of heterologously expressed proteins has been shortened from the initial 6 months to 3.5 months, until now 7-9 days. The research and development achievements of new proteins have shown a blowout growth. It is expected to initially realize industrialization in 2022, and more surprising achievements will be presented at that time.