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Challenges and Issues in Freeze-Dried Reagents

Explore the intricate landscape of freeze-dried technology in molecular diagnostics, uncovering the challenges faced and the innovative solutions driving stability, precision, and progress in this dynamic field.

October 24, 2024

Freeze-dried technology holds vast potential in the diagnostic reagents industry, yet it also confronts a series of challenges:


Small-volume Reaction Systems

Molecular diagnostic reagents typically feature small reaction volumes, around 20 microliters on average. This demands freeze-drying processes with extremely high precision and control to ensure the uniformity and activity of the reagents post-freeze-drying.


Limitations of Packaging Materials

Commonly used packaging materials like polypropylene (PP) present challenges due to their low specific heat capacity and potentially uneven material at the bottom of containers. This complicates the freeze-drying process, necessitating special designs to ensure uniformity and efficiency.


Protection of Sensitive Enzyme Activity

Enzymes contained in molecular diagnostic reagents are highly sensitive to the freeze-drying process. Preserving enzyme activity is crucial for subsequent amplification experiments. The freeze-drying process requires fine-tuning to minimize damage to enzyme activity, as any compromise could severely affect the accuracy of test results.


Considerations of Cost and Efficiency

While freeze-drying technology effectively enhances the stability and shelf life of reagents, its costs are relatively high, including equipment investment, energy consumption, and time costs. This poses a challenge for large-scale production and cost control.


Complexity of Processes

Freeze-drying involves multiple stages such as pre-freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying. Each stage requires precise control to avoid issues like excessive ice crystal formation leading to structural damage, incomplete drying, or over-drying.


Environmental Risks

The production process of diagnostic reagents entails risks of contamination from solid material dust, especially during steps like opening, filling, and sealing. Additionally, moisture intrusion from the environment can affect the stability of freeze-dried reagents, necessitating higher design requirements for the entire production process.


Technological Upgrades and Innovation

With rapid advancements in diagnostic technology, new reagents demand higher standards from freeze-drying technology. Continuous technological innovation is necessary, including more efficient freeze-drying equipment and more precise control software for freeze-drying curves, to meet the requirements of increasingly complex reagent formulations and stricter quality standards.


In the application of freeze-drying technology in the diagnostic reagents industry, a comprehensive consideration of costs, technical difficulties, quality control, and ongoing technological innovation is essential to overcome the aforementioned challenges. Only then can high-quality and stable reagents be ensured, providing reliable support and assurance for the development of the diagnostic field.


As a leading company in the field of freeze-drying reagents, SBS Genetech offers a full range of lyophilized reagent products and services. Our products not only excel in performance but also have significant advantages in cost-effectiveness and application convenience. Whether you are a research institution or a clinical laboratory, we can meet your needs. Contact us to learn more about freeze-drying reagents and get tailored solutions.